• CHS Scholarship and Stole Day
    Type: Speaker
    Published: May 01, 2016
    May 26, 2016 Robin Von CHS Scholarship and Stole Day
  • Awarding scholarships and recognizing students who have excelled in academics and leadership
    Type: Speaker
    Published: Apr 11, 2018
    Apr 19, 2018 Stoles and Scholarships Awarding scholarships and recognizing students who have excelled in academics and leadership
  • Community Service
    Type: Page
    Published: Aug 04, 2015
    Community Service Community Service includes those activities in which Rotarians make substantial and lasting improvements in the quality of life of their community. San Ramon Rotary has made a commitment to improving our community and our world. We do so by raising money to provide money for our schools through the San Ramon Valley Education Foundation, dictionaries for every 3rd grader, meals for seniors and the homeless, and by using our hands replace smoke detectors, recognize the efforts of volunteers in our community, and participate in events that provide opportunities for the children in our community to have fun as well as learn. Our thanks is the smile on a child's face, the thank you from a parent, and the handshake or hug from someone in need who has been helped by our contributions or our hands-on labor. This
  • Meeting Notes for September 29, 2016
    Type: Story
    Published: Oct 03, 2016
    By: Dr. Bill Harlan Kathy Gailey sounded the Call to Order on her rhino horn trumpet. She reminded us that RI President is John Germ, the only man who causes absolute strangers to go immediately and wash their hands. “Serving Humanity,” she introduced our Greeter, Gary Sloan, who had three zingers from Will Rogers, only two of which this correspondent caught: “In politics we value experience, and because of my poor judgment I have had a lot of experience.” “I do not belong to any organized political party; I’m a Democrat.” Don Jones led us in a patriotic song. The visiting Rotarian was our speaker, Stephanie Shaterian, of the Diablo Vista Club. People checking out the club included John Milich, retired business man and failed surfer; Sam Cappione, who works in marketing and is a friend of Barry Toby; Collette Lay’s daughter’s coach, Angie Dominguez, who works at East/West King Foo and is a five time world champion. We were also joined by Elaine Cortez Schroth, the former head o
  • Meeting Notes for April 20, 2017
    Type: Story
    Published: Apr 24, 2017
    By: Gary Sloan The Meeting of the San Ramon Rotary Club was called to order by Kathy (African Queen) Gailey at 12:15pm where Mark Hornstra, the Greeter for the day was introduced a gave a thought for the day. “What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals”. The flag salute was followed by a rousing rendition of My Country Tis of Thee. The club was treated to Mark sharing his life’s passion and work to provide alternative energy solutions to third world countries, most recently, India and Africa. He shared that 1.4 billion people go without electricity in the world and the start-up company with which he is affiliated seeks to provide electricity through innovative approaches. Mark has two grown kids who are accomplished in their own rights and has lived in the community for 25 years.Visiting Rotarians from Livermore Valley (George Wineinger) and from Downtown Pleasanton (Ricky Walters) were introduced along with the Student of th
  • Meeting Notes for November 9, 2017
    Type: Story
    Published: Nov 15, 2017
    By: Hermann WelmPresident “Can Do Sandhu” opened the meeting by reminding us that the R.I. President is Ian H.S. Riseley, of Victoria, Australia, and his theme for the year is “Rotary, Making a Difference.” The meeting was once again held in the South Building of the San Ramon Regional Medical Center, and lunch was “catered” by the excellent staff of their Dietary Department. Thank you, Gary Sloan for making this happen again as part of our Veteran’s Day Program. Our Greeter, PP Gary Sloan, led us in the Salute to the Flag and gave us his Thoughts for the Day, by Simran Khurana: It takes courage for a soldier to risk life and limb for his country. The least we civilians can do is to honor these heroes. That is the basis of the Veterans Day celebration — to venerate these great men and women with words of appreciation. The edifice of our society stands on the martyrdom of these selfless souls. Mike Thelen then led the group in the singing of the Patriotic Song; he chose “My
  • Type: Speaker
    Published: Feb 24, 2017
    Apr 13, 2017 Cal High School Stoles and Scholarship Day
  • Meeting Notes For January 19, 2017
    Type: Story
    Published: Jan 20, 2017
    The African Queen (aka President Gailey) called the meeting to order at 12:20p. Meeting at Cal High Library provided ample opportunity for members to get all nostalgic about our High School years when football games, prom night, final examinations and fighting acne were our primary concerns of the day. As you might expect, there were no visiting Rotarians. Our own Glen Weber was the greeter for the day who shared with the thought for the day as the 4 Way Test. Glen proceeded to explain the history of the 4 way test as one of the key hallmarks of Rotary committing to truth, fairness and consideration. After the pledge of allegiance, Don Jones led the club in a rousing rendition of My Country ‘Tis of Thee. Announcements included: Stop Hunger Now scheduled for February 2nd at Cal High. Sign up. It’s fun and beneficial to those in need. Foundation Grants: If a Rotarian has worthy community groups providing worthy community outreach and serv
  • Meeting Notes for January 26, 2017
    Type: Story
    Published: Jan 30, 2017
    The San Ramon Rotary Club was called to order by our esteemed President, Kathy Gailey at 12:20 PM at which time we were reminded that John Germ was the RI President and the theme of the year was “Rotary Serving Humanity”. Our Greeter, Edgardo Carrillo, shared the thought for the day: Today is Today, Yesterday is Yesterday and Tomorrow is a Vision. Edgardo also shared how proud he was to be a Rotarian contributing to the betterment of the world. As is our tradition, guests were introduced. John Sramek introduced Julio Perez a military guest. Colette Lay proudly gushed her introduction of her son, Brennan. Marvin Remmich introduced Harry Michaels, a possible new member and Kathy Gailey re-introduced our old friend, colleague and past Rotarian Michael Prilutsky who indicated his intention to rejoin the club. Dennis Harvey had the honor of initiating three Red Badge members to Blue Badge permanent members.
  • Welcome
    Type: Site Page Story
    Published: Aug 11, 2015
    Subpages Welcome Related Pages Links Files Photo Albums Veterans Day Lunch Every year on Veterans Day we have a special lunch for our veterans. We invite local veterans that are retired and veterans on active duty. We also invite veterans that on a scholarship from Sentinels of Freedom. We have a special program with a wonderful speaker. San Ramon Regional Medical Center hosts lunch for us on this very special day.
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