Please note meeting is at San Ramon Regional Medical Center. Speaker will be Bill Green.
Bill Green's Bio:
I was born and raised in San Francisco. I tried to enlist in the Army in May of 1967 but was refused for medical reasons. I was then drafted into the Army in August of 1967. I volunteered for the infantry and landed in Vietnam in January 1968. I was sent to the 198th Light Infantry Brigade in the northern section of South Vietnam. Six months into my tour I rose to the rank of Sergeant and became a squad leader. During my tour I was wounded twice and thus received two Purple Hearts. I also received two Bronze Stars. During my R&R in September of 1968, I married my wife, Peggy, and returned to Vietnam for my final three months of duty. I was discharged from the Army in August of 1969. I returned to San Francisco and began an apprenticeship with the IBEW and worked as an electrician until my retirement in 2002. Our family moved to Alamo in 1977 and we are still residing in the same home. Since retirement I have become the co-director of the Speakers Bureau of the Vietnam Veterans of Diablo Valley, which has spoken to over 71,000 students in the past thirteen years. I also served on the board of directors for the VNVDV for the past decade and I am currently the president. I am also a mentor at the Concord Vet Center for our returning troops.