Opening: Terry Koehne opened the meeting at 12:00 PM, but this writer’s computer put out an error message: “The meeting has not yet started”. So much of the opening was missed.
However, thanks to an email from Colette all was eventually put right.
As we have been hearing for nearly a year “Holger Knaack is R. I President and his theme is: “Rotary Opens Opportunities”.
Assuming all went as planned as this writer was still trying to sign on, our Greeter, Hermann Welm, presented the “thought for the day”, and led us in the flag salute.
Announcements: Don’t forget the Dublin Rotary Lobster Feed.
Program: John Coleman of East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD) presented an extensive and inciteful overview of the water district we all rely on for our drinking water, our landscaping and etc.
All EBMUD water comes from Mokelumne reservoir of the Sierra Watershed and is piped down through three aqueducts to Walnut Creek. The district and its 2000 employees provide water to 1.4  million people by means of 4,200 miles of pipe. It is a 24/7 operation utilizing one thousand-year-old infrastructure.
Not surprisingly, the bulk of Mr. Coleman’s budget goes to capital investment to maintain the viability of the system and to maintaining reliable water service, but funds are also devoted to wastewater treatment, (an achievement of which is he very proud) and fisheries. Salmon returns in streams are increasing.
The District’s primary variable costs are for chemicals and energy. The good news? In spite of all these challenges the District still holds a AAA Moody’s rating.
Sadly, due to the drought, the Mokelumne is at 53 % of normal and if levels go lower surcharges are likely. As of now the District is pushing for 10% conservation.
Further information: Refer to:  as well as