On-Line Auction for Education
On-Line Auction for Education
The Rotary Club of San Ramon would like to announce a partnership with the San Ramon Valley Education Foundation. This year we will be running an Online Auction for Education in conjunction with the festivities surrounding the 33rd Annual Run for Education. The auction will take place from October 4th - October 14th, two days before the Run for Education. The fundraiser will benefit over 30,000 students in the San Ramon Valley Unified School District including Alamo, Danville, San Ramon and parts of Walnut Creek.
Funds raised by the Online Auction for Education will be donated to the San Ramon Valley Education Foundation in support of their 4 major causes: Classrooms of the Future, Literacy, STEM and Professional Development. Our relationship with this foundation is strong and deep—we have been supporting them since their inception.
You can be part of this tradition in 3 different ways:
- Make a donation to our online auction – we need your help! Our online auction will be viewed by more than 50,000 San Ramon Valley Unified School District residents! It’s great exposure for your business and it supports a great cause. Your company name and logo with a description of your event and a link to your website will be featured as part of your donation. (See link under "Important Downloads" on the right side of this homepage).
- Sponsor this auction that reaches more than 50,000 parents in the San Ramon Valley. Promotion for this auction will begin in July and continue through October. Your company will be featured in key media as well as prominent online real estate, meaning many eyeballs will see your philanthropy and your company will be visibly marketed through these channels with logos and links to your website. (See link under "Important Downloads" on the right side of this homepage).
- Bid on items in our auction October 4th - October 14th!! Our auction can be accessed at www.srvef.org/auction.