by: Tom Port
Opening: Dennis Garrison took center stage with the compulsory: “Welcome to San Ramon rotary” Mark Daniel Maloney is R.I. President and this theme is “’Rotary Connects the World’”.
Greeter: Newbie Deema Eid presented the “Thought for the Day” from Maya Angelou: “Don’t live to survive; live to thrive. But do it with compassion and humor.” Deema works with Altzheimers and dementia patients. She was married last year in Italy. Welcome to our club Deema!
Patriotic Song? Did not happen. But the group settled with a rousing: “Aloha”.
Visiting Rotarian: Robin “Spike” of the Sedona Valley Rotary Club graced us with her company sans hubby Mark who his wife describes as “Paul Harris reincarnated”.
Blue Badge: We awarded Steven Porschet his Blue Badge and all proceeded to welcome him into full membership with a handshake, as is our club tradition.
Announcements: Norbert Walz says the Rotary Wind Fair booth is seriously in preparations. Beer and wine are on order, and the wine may be donated this time which will increase earnings. Last year we took in about $75,000. Sign-up sheets will be circulated soon on line. “Don’t hesitate to sign up for more than one tour of duty” says Norbert.
Auction: Norbert also reports the fall auction is in the planning stage. Gary Sloan is working on sponsorships, a major source of revenue. The auction brought in about $70,000 last year
Membership: Chris Gayler is looking for commitments for 1 1/2 years to the Membership Committee. He would also appreciate some new ideas n how best to approach potential new members. Suggestion: Talk about the impact Rotary has had on your life.
Food Drive: Gary Sloan needs derivers to deliver the food bags. See him to sign up if you are eligible. The dates are April 11 and April 18.
Camps Royal and Venture interviews will take place Monday.
Scholarships: Patti Hennigan says we are awarding eight scholarships this year out of twenty very well qualified applicants. The largest award was $10,000.
Recognitions: Patti’s daughter is getting married. Carolyn Degnan has a new Akita puppy, John Tatum likes to garden; you will often see him at Home Depot. Julie Fiedler picked up Dennis’ $50 tab. Kathy Gaily is about to close on a house at Lake of the Pines. Dennis garrison gave Naim Katiby his tie. Dr. Bill was recognized for his engagement anniversary
Demotion Party: John Millich says the demotion party for Colette will be June 25th at 6:00 PM. He would welcome ideas for the theme and etc.
Raffle: Jeff Disch won the Greeter’s Gift and Brent Tucker won a chance at the Progressive; but no luck.