Executives & Directors
President Elect
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Sergeant at Arms
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Past President/SRRC Foundation
The Rotary Foundation
John F. Germ
President Rotary International
Our President
The African Queen
Kathy Gailey
Jan 12, 2017
Our Rotary Club Youth Services
Jan 19, 2017
Cal High School with the Interact Club
Jan 26, 2017
Club Assembly
Feb 02, 2017
Teen Esteem
Feb 09, 2017
Topics of Interest about SRVUSD
Feb 16, 2017
Valentines Day Program. Bring your Valentine to Lunch
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Schedule of Greeters
January 12
Weber, Glen
January 19
Wilcox, Steve
The Rotary Foundation Minute
January 5, 2017
PolioPlus is Rotary’s priority program, supporting global efforts to eradicate polio. It was launched in 1985 with the help of Dr. Albert Sabin, developer of the oral polio vaccine, as a worldwide program to protect children from the cruel and fatal consequences of polio. In 1988, the World Health Assembly challenged the world to eradicate polio.  Since that time, Rotary’s efforts, along with partner agencies including the World Health Organization, the United Nations’ Children’s Fund, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and governments around the world have achieved an 99.9 percent reduction in the number of polio cases worldwide. 
Polio Plus is carried out as a separate activity of The Rotary Foundation, with over $1.6 billion in funding raised through direct contributions from Rotarians and friends of Rotary as well as support from The Annual Fund and The Endowment Fund.  By the time the world is certified polio-free, our contributions will make Rotary the largest non-governmental financial contributor to the global polio eradication effort.
Greeter Protocol
When you are assigned the duty of being our greeter, you should remember the following:

1. You should be at the meeting by 11:45 AM in order to greet everyone as they come to the meeting.

2. You should bring a "Greeter's Gift" for the raffle. The gift should be approximately $20.00 in value.

3. You will be leading the giving the inspiration of the day, leading the salute to the flag, and introducing the visiting Rotarians. It is a good idea to watch the visiting Rotarians sign in, so that you can ask them about any complicated names or classifications.

4. If you cannot attend, it is your responsibility to find a replacement.
Russell Hampton
National Awards Services Inc.
Welcome to the Rotary Club of San Ramon
Service Above Self
We meet Thursdays at 12:00 PM
Crow Canyon Country Club
711 Silver Lake Dr.
Danville, CA  94526
United States
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Meeting Notes for January 5, 2017
Still thanking people who had helped make her year as president so successful 16 years ago, Marie Galbo, filling in for Kathy Gailey who is visiting her mother in Florida, was our President-for-a-Day.  She introduced Hermann Welm, our Greeter, who observed that the best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago; the second best time to plant is today.  Hermann splits his volunteer time between being the Squirrel Man at the Lindsay Wildlife Center and the back-up Brain Surgeon on Tuesdays at the San Ramon Medical Center.  Hermann also led the Salute to the Flag, once Mo hurried in with the required symbol.  On a roll, Hermann also led the Patriotic Song, which began about here.  Guests included Judy Giles, aka “The Contessa,” who insists she was not a guest.
Patti Hennigan introduced two of our former scholarship winners: Justin, who is in his first semester at UC Berkeley and is active in Rotoract; and Smeda, who is a student at Rose College in Tennessee and doing research on palliative care.
Dennis Harvey told us that Judy Lewis’ father had died.  He was a fine gentleman who was very supportive of Rotary projects.  We circulated a card of condolence for Judy.
The irrepressible Lucky Sandhu is taking pictures for the membership roster. See him or draw a blank.
Mike Thelan finally retired and is now painting bedrooms.
Barry Toby had a grandchild and, with some help from friends, remembered that it was Dec. 28.
Our Interact Pizza Lunch will be Thursday, January 19 at Cal High.  Colette Lay will remind you.
The Stop Hunger Now food packet preparation will be Saturday, February 4 from 9 to noon.
Rotary Moment:
Ray Giles reminded us that polio 30 years ago “was a thing.”  That was before Rotary tackled its eradication through Polio Plus.  Partnering with World Health Organization, UNICEF and the Gates Foundation, Rotary is on the brink of achieving its goal.  Last year there were only 38 new cases in the world. As Marie added, “Rotary gives a small person a chance to do something really big.”
Barry Toby was reminded that Cindy’s birthday was last month.  Barry’s wife is remarkably spry, considering that she is, according to Barrister Barry, now [age redacted], older than this correspondent.
The newly-minted Sergeant-at-Arms, Edgardo Carillo, recognized Marie Galbo for her failure to wear her blonde wig on the occasional of her big moment standing in for Kathy Gailey.
Colette Lay introduced Master Morgan Newman of East West King-Fu where Colette’s daughter trains. Morgan explained that the ancient Chinese martial art comes from the phrase meaning “skill developed over time.”  On a lighter note she said that it combined self-defense techniques with those of marriage counselling.  Its basic principle is redirecting the strength of your opponent to help you defend yourself.
Morgan then had four instructors from local studios demonstrate different techniques.  Two young women were attacked by men and quickly and brutally turned the tables on their attackers.  Perceptions of these actions differed among the audience members:  Julie Fielder found the “tiger claw” maneuver to rip out the attacker’s eyes objectionable while this correspondent thought the sharp kicks to the attacker’s groin were upsetting, even without a cute name to describe them.  One instructor then showed us a demonstration of the use of a Chinese broad sword in a stylized fight sequence.  Another gave us a spirited routine of chops and kicks.  (In Kung-Fu the participant curls his fingers slightly to tighten the edge of the hand for a chop.)  In the past when Chinese leaders objected to martial arts among the populace, the elements of King-Fu were disguised in artistic forms of dance and movement.
Master Morgan then explained the difference between Kung-Fu (physical expression of external energy) and Tai-Chi (physical expression of internal harmony).  Tae Kwan Do is the Korean version of Kung-Fu which emphasizes kicks and leg whips, while the Chinese version balances upper and lower body.  Karate is the Japanese version of Kung-Fu.  All in all, a very exciting and informative program!
Dennis Harvey won the $20, which his poker friends will not forget.  Alan Ward, although legally a resident of another state, won the chance at the marbles.  Alas, to everyone’s sorrow, he came up blue.
Glen Weber is next week’s greeter.
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