A large gathering of civic minded, community-oriented Rotarians congregated at Crow Canyon Country Club were greeted by Colette Lay, President at 12:15p. In concert with this year’s theme, “Rotary Connects the World”, fellow Rotarians connected with each other before the meeting and shared a delicious (salmon) lunch. Suzanne Eikel was the greeter who shared her thought for the day: “You can accomplish anything if you put your mind to it.” With no visitors in attendance, Mike Thelen led the club in God Bless America and Suzanne gave a brief synopsis about herself which included that she was married to Mike, she is a CPA and that between now and April 15th she would be largely occupied by tax filing season.
Ms. President introduced Anthony Barbados, a distinguished looking young man in a suit and tie who was representing Toast Masters. Tony said that the difference between Rotarians and Toast Master members is that Toast Masters may be more-long winded. Anthony announced a new partnership with Rotary with the intent on improving our presentation and speaking skills. We were invited to a Speech Contest at Diablo Valley College next Wednesday.
Colette reminded the club that the Rise Against Hunger event to be held at Cal High on February 8th from 1:00p to 3:30p. A sign-up sheet was circulated.
Since Colette had forgotten to introduce Cynthia Jones, Don’s wife, Don did the honors but got into hot water in using language that did not befit a former First Lady. On the other hand, Fred Nevarez introduced his wife Valerie professing his love and undying affection (good job, Fred).
One of the highlights of the meeting was presenting a check for $57,557.88 to the San Ramon Valley Education Foundation. The club cleared more than $83,000 this year in our auction for education which will enable the club to provide college scholarships, leadership camp scholarships and Interact support for our local school youth. Vanessa Berastain and Karen Robin for SRVEF accepted the check noting that San Ramon Rotary was the single largest contributor to schools in the San Ramon Valley! Norbert Walz will be the guiding Chairperson for the 2020 Online auction.
Ray Giles presented Charter member Glen Weber with a Chevron Paul Harris award. Colette Lay received a 4 Sapphire Paul Harris pen just in time as Colette indicated that she had just “broken” her last one. It was announced that the Gates Foundation was providing a triple match up to $1.5 billion (that’s right with a B) for all Rotarians who donate to the End Polio Now program.
Student of the Month
After confessing that he was nervous with a Toast Master present, Mike Thelen presented Neve Callaway as this month’s Student of the Month. Mike noted that Rotary recognizes a wide range of student accomplishments throughout the year including community service, athletic and academic achievement. Neve represents a very special student as described by her Chemistry Teacher Dave Sandusky, who shared how Neve distinguished herself among the many students he has taught over the past four years. Despite being diagnosed with an eye autoimmune disease and multiple sclerosis, Neve participates in two competitive dance crews, plays the ukelele, hikes and maintains a 4.0 GPA. While she fears the loss of motor function, she feels that the potential of this eventuality has encouraged her to fully embrace life and become a better person. After high school she hopes to attend one of eight colleges with the goal of not letting her affliction define her. Indeed, Neve shared that it was better for her to have this disease over other classmates who may not have insurance or the moral strength to overcome the many challenges she faces. She concluded be telling Rotary that she wants to use the time she has left to help others as long as her body would permit. That’s right, there was an abundance of tears among members, all of whom were grateful that we could honor this young woman.
It was a hard act to follow but several announcements were made:
Business Expo: To be held March 25th, Chris Gayler asked for volunteers to the Business Expo who would be able to work for 3 hours, talk to potential new members and be able to drink while you do it. Suzanne, Jerry and Fred all enthusiastically volunteered with Fred asking how early the drinking begins.
Squirrel Appreciation Day: Our squirrel expert resident, Herman Welm wanted to thank Rotarians for their generous support of Squirrel Appreciation Day. He was particularly grateful that Don Jones had kept his dogs at bay to keep them from grabbing squirrels off the fence. (Cynthia said “not so much”). Herman explained that he volunteers for the Linsey Wild Life Animal organization in Walnut Creek and that he specializes in barn owls, song birds and squirrels who have become injured. He nurtures young squirrels from 6 weeks old to release. Herman reminded Rotarians that tree trimming time is November and December (not January onward) to protect animals in their local habitat. Herman also volunteers at San Ramon Regional Medical Center.
Both Guy Greco and Goland Anand’s phone rang and both were appropriately recognized with $50 and $25 fines respectively.
Members Night Out: Colette asked members to consider a good members night out event and contact Julie Fiedler with any good ideas.
President Elect Chris Gallagher: Despite his previous reign as President, Chris did not seem to have a clue about the upcoming PETs training (a repeat remedial course for Chris), nor did he know the theme for 2020-21 Rotary Year. (“Rotary Opens Opportunity”). He was fined $50 for being clueless.
Giannis Tips for Change: You have been volunteered! The San Ramon Rotary Club will hold a fundraising event at Gianni’s where we serve and bus tables for tips to raise funds for the club. Plan to be there.
Grateful Garment: Colette was still collecting gift cards and funds for the Grateful Garment Program that presented a few weeks ago.
Connected Horse Program:
All the horse people came out to this meeting to hear Paula Hertel speak about an animal therapy program for Dementia patients and their caregivers that began in 2015. That’s right Cynthia Jones, Marv Remmich and Valerie Nevarez were all in attendance as Valerie introduced Paula who described this program as a “passion project”. As a horse lover early on in life, Paula said that this activity kept her out of boy and drug trouble growing up. Paula has worked with dementia patients and families for 30 years finding the right care/placement in the community for these patients. She recognized a need to improve the quality of life for Dementia patients and their caregiver through interaction with horses. She has worked with many clients from Rotary, including two past presidents. Her father had Alzheimer’s disease for 12 years and she was in charge of his care.
Amazingly, Paula approached the Alzheimer’s Association to determine who the leading researcher was at Stanford University where she found Dolores Thompson. Dr. Thompson was interested in doing research that would determine if an organized therapy regime could reduce depression and improve quality of life for patients and caregivers. Following a 30-person study with positive results, Paula approached U.C Davis School of Medicine to expand the research.
Connecting people to horses through touch and interaction was found to provide significant support between patient and caregiver. The horse provides non-judgmental, non-verbal connections resulting in promoting a sustaining relationship between caregiver and patient through the media of a horse. Patient or caregivers do not ride the horse but rather interacts through sensory walks and quartering the horse. Interestingly, the horses are generally former jumping horses who have been debilitated themselves unable to perform at a competitive level.
There are 4-week sessions of 2.5 hours once per week. A heartwarming video was shown to the club to see the positive reaction from clients.
Paula reminded the club that over 6 million people are afflicted with Alzheimer’s and there is no known cure to date. Every 65 seconds someone is diagnosed with dementia. The Connected Horse Program is designed to insure that “the patient is not defined by their disease”.
The program is looking for volunteers with a heart, horse knowledge and experience to assist in connecting those in need of this innovative program.
At the end of the presentation, Colette announced that a donation would be made to the Discovery Center in our speaker’s honor.
Raffle Time: Having bought a wad of raffle tickets, Gary Sloan (your scribe) won the $20 greeter’s gift and Chris Gallagher selected a blue marble collecting $10 leaving the pot at $230 for next week.
Garth Riopelle will be the greeter next week but was reminded that the meeting began at noon and that it was a good idea to be early. (want to take bets on arrival time of our perennial late
Next week’s program will be Michele McCoy, a former Santa Clara County Superior Court judge, who will be discussing the Constitution. Knowing Judge McCoy, Gary Sloan highly recommended Rotarian attendance at the next meeting for an interesting, knowledgeable presentation on this topical subject.
A photo was taken of the club with the SRVEF enlarged check. (Getting this picture was like herding cats).
The meeting was officially adjourned at 1:15p.
Respectfully submitted by your humble scribe
Gary Sloan