By Hermann Welm
President Kathy Gailey -- has she earned a nickname yet? -- called the meeting to order, advising that the R.I. President is John F. Germ and his theme for the year is “Rotary Serving Humanity.”
Our Greeter, Naeem Katiby, presented his Thought of the Day, “Be like the sun for grace and mercy. Be like the night to cover others' faults. Be like running water for generosity. Be like death for rage and anger. Be like the Earth for modesty. Appear as you are. Be as you appear.”
He then organized the Salute to the Flag. In describing his current efforts in Afganistan, Naeem noted that he is working on securing a dialysis machine for a clinic he is working with.
PP Don Jones then led us in the singing of “God Bless America!”
Visiting Rotarians: None.
Other Visitors: Eric Stein, former Cal High Interact President and recent graduate of the University of San Diego, who has just spent nearly a year traveling in several European and Asian countries, AND who is on his way to earn a Master’s Degree in Oslo, Norway! (Let’s keep an eye on this young man; he’s “going places!”) Also, Nattie Lee, Ariana Reynoso, Ji Won Kim, Natalie Lee, Assemblywoman Catharine Baker and her son, Alex Baker.
The Medicine Man and his Jokes: Sad to say, but this low point of our former meetings has been discontinued because we now have a classy lady as President!
Replacing the “Jokes” section of the Meeting, Kathy will be presenting “Rotary Moments.” Today’s is a story told by the Immediate Past RI President, Ravi Ravidran, recently in Korea. He was born in Sri Lanka and when he was 4 years old his mother was diagnosed with Polio. She needed a ventilator (Iron Lung) in order to survive, however, there were very few in Sri Lanka. Local Rotary Club members organized the purchase and delivery of a unit from overseas within 24 hours, in spite of the significant obstacles and red tape that usually accompany this kind of transaction. The good people of that club, many in prominent positions, simply pulled a lot of strings!
Kathy bestowed on our former President, Gary Sloan, his Past President gifts: a plaque, a new Rotary badge and his PP pin. Gary noted that a term as President is similar to owning a boat. The best day of your life is when you first get it; the next best day is when you sell it!
Kathy then swore in the balance of her new Board, including Guy Greco, Bill Brody, Colette Lay and Julie Fiedler.
Julie stayed up front to receive her Blue Badge, having completed all of the requirements. She noted that she is an attorney specializing in Elder Care issues, a topic near and dear to many in the room!
PP Gary Sloan once again reminded all that the President’s Inauguration Party, to be held at Barbara’s home, will be on August 27th. The cost per person will be $20.00.
Michelle Lee announced that she will be shifting over to the Dougherty Valley club because their meeting times better fit her work schedule. We will miss her as a member but will see her quite often in the future; she wants to work on increasing coordination among the various local clubs.
Good News/Fine Free: None
Recognitions: None.