Executives & Directors
President Elect
Youth Services
International Service
Sergeant at Arms
Vocational Service
Public Relations
Club Administration
Community Service
Past President/SRRC Foundation
The Rotary Foundation
John F. Germ
2016-2017 President
Rotary I
Jul 14, 2016
Jul 21, 2016
Jul 28, 2016
View entire list
Schedule of Greeters
July 14
Katiby, Naeem
July 21
Lay, Colette
Anjila A. Katiby (Wife) 
Sophia (Daughter, 25)
Yosof (Son, 24)
Arman (Son, 16)
1990-1993                 Completed accredited residency program in Family                                                     Practice, at Prince George's Hospital and Medical                                                        Center, Cheverly, MD, 20785
1980-1981                 Internship in General Medicine at Ali Baba Hospital, Kabul,                                        Afghanistan. Completed MD degree at Kabul University,                                             Avicenna Institute of Medical Sciences.
1974-1980                 Completed Medical School at Avicenna Institute of Medical                                        Sciences, Kabul, Afghanistan.       
2012-Present            Retired
1998-2012                 Medical Director &Family Physician in private practice in following cities and addresses at intervals;        
                                    Aaftab Medical Center:Inc
                                    15921 East 14th Street, San Leandro, Ca 94578.
                                    6170 Thornton Ave, Suite H, Newark, Ca 94560
1999-2004                 Laguna Medical Clinic,Inc
                                    8765 Center Parkway, Suite D300, Sacramento, Ca 95823
1993-1998                 Family Health Center:
                                    3190 State Street, Fremont, Ca 94538
                                    1860 Mowrey Ave., Suite 440, Fremont, Ca 94538
1998-2004                 Two Terms Chairman of Family &Community Medicine Department @ Washington Hospital,Fremont,Ca 94538
1993-1994                 Attending Physicians at John C. Fremont Hospital, Mariposa,                                    Mariposa, Ca 
1986-1990                 Post -Doctoral Research Associate, University of California,                                       San Francisco, Ca.
1986-1990                 Founder and Director of two primary care clinics                                                            forUNHCR (United Nations High Commisioner for                                                        Refugees), New Delhi, India
1982-1985                 Medical Director of Multiple Primary and Urgent Care Clinics                                     in Ilam, Iran.
                                    "Association of preoperative myocardial ischemia with                                                cardiac morbidity and mortality in man undergoing non                                               cardiac surgery"
                                    New England Journal of Medicine, Dec. 27, 1990
                                    "Relationship of regional wall motion abnormalities to                                                  homodynamic indices of myocardial oxygen supply and                                             demand in patients under going CABG surgery."
                                    Anesthesiology, Vol. 73, No. 5, Nov. 1990
                                    "The risk of myocardial ischemia in patients receiving                                                  desflurane versus sufentanil anesthesia for coronary artery                                         bypass graft surgery".
                                    Anesthesiology, Vol.  77, No. 1,July 1992
                                    "Comparison of cardiac morbidity rates between aortic and                                         infrainguinal operations: Two year follow up."
                                    Journal Vascular Surgery, 1993, 18,609-17
                                    English, Farsi, Pashtu, Dari and Urdu (Speaks, Read and                                           write)
                                    Arabic, German (Understand, Read and Write)
                                    Reading, Music and Golf
                                    Special Interest in Addiction Medicine, Administrative                                                  Medicine and Specific Disease Management.
Our President
The African Queen
Kathy Gailey
Birthdays & Anniversaries
Member Birthdays
Geoff Johnson
July 15
Jay Tontz
July 20
Rick Probert
July 23
Fletcher Thames
July 31
Spouse Birthdays
Linda Tatum
July 3
Patrick Grimm
July 4
Brad Lay
July 7
Darlene Gayler
July 23
Ann Paterson
July 31
Bill Harlan
Ruth Martin
July 9
Chris Gayler
Natalie Gayler
July 12
Art Kubal
Sandy Kubal
July 19
Pat Paterson
Ann Paterson
July 21
Ed Duarte
Linda Duarte
July 25
David Smith
Sherry Smith
July 26
Join Date
Alex Mehran
July 1, 2015
1 year
Carolyn Degnan
July 1, 2015
1 year
Harvalee Grimm
July 1, 2015
1 year
Joyce Castro
July 1, 2015
1 year
Kari Gardella
July 1, 2015
1 year
Mike Conklin
July 8, 2010
6 years
Otto"Edgardo" Carrillo
July 18, 2013
3 years
Lucky Sandhu
July 31, 2008
8 years
Russell Hampton
National Awards Services Inc.
July 7, 2016
Welcome to the Rotary Club of San Ramon
Service Above Self
We meet Thursdays at 12:00 PM
Crow Canyon Country Club
711 Silver Lake Dr.
Danville, CA  94526
United States
DistrictSiteIcon District Site
VenueMap Venue Map
Meeting Opening
Kathy Gailey, “The African Queen,” swept into office to the sound of chimes, a welcome change from the raucous humor of the last president, Gary Sloan.  She introduced us to this year’s RI president, John F. Germ, whose motto is “Rotary Serving Humanity.”  Our Greeter, Don Jones, gave us some Words of Wisdom from Founding Fathers: “Reading only newspapers ensures you will remain stupid.” “I had rather be a failure at something I love than a success at something I hate.” After the Flag Salute, Don led the club in “My Country ‘Tis of Thee,” on which we ended together.  Visitors included Bill Randall of the Alamo Club and Joyce Castro of the Fire District.  Horace Crawford led his table in showing President Kathy the time-honored signal for when the president has lost control of the meeting, waving the napkin.See the video here: https://www.facebook.com/SanRamonRotary/videos/969347196518837/
Announcements, Good News and Recognitions
The first order of business was the induction of a new member, Karen McNamara.  Since she left the club several years ago, she has finished her career with the City of San Ramon, traveled extensively, done work for the Food Bank, Shelter Inc. and relaxed.  The members welcomed her back in the fold.
Kathy urged that we update our personal information on the email she has sent.
She explained that Crow’s Call will be sent out more expeditiously via Club    Runner, although we will still be able to access it on email.
Dr. Bill announced that Kathe Mitchell was stepping down as Scribe and asked for           a volunteer to take the fourth meeting of each month.
Paula Sue Gross returned from a week in Fresno with Miss Contra Costa County    and announced that the contestant had won a scholarship and that Paula’s         daughter, Peyton, had been called the “Cutest Little Princess” by a former           Miss America.
Kathy’s Inaugural Party will be held at Gary Sloan’s on August 27. Sign up.
Installation of Board:
President-Elect                                Lucky Sandhu
Secretary                                          Julie Fiedler
Treasurer                                          Jeff Disch
Membership                                    Dennis Harvey
Club Administration                      Patti Hennigan
Youth Outreach                              Colette Lay
RI Foundation                                 Ray Giles
Public Relations                              Lucky Sandhu
International                                   Guy Greco
Vocational Service                         Chris Gallagher
Sgt. –at- Arms                                 Bill Brodie
The Board member then took the Oath of Office in which they swore to uphold Rotary values, give their lives for Supreme Leader Gailey and to pay her mortgage. President Gailey introduced us to her Guardian Angel, Kebi, a charming little stuffed creature, whose picture will look really cute on milk cartons when he goes missing.
President’s Plans:  
Kathy said that the survey she did of members showed that we were interested in a variety of topics for our programs.  She urged that we send suggestions for programs to her or Marv Remmich.  The survey also showed that members wanted more Rotary information and networking opportunities.  Kathy will be instituting occasional Rotary Moments, and Chris Gallagher will be working on networking.  We also wanted more Hands-On Projects, and Paula Sue will be suggesting options, such as the upcoming Stand-Down for Vets.  Kathy pledged to schedule more fellowship and Happy Hour opportunities. 
Guy Greco will provide updates on what we are doing on the international front. To encourage more young members, our club will partner with others to sponsor a Young  Professionals Conference in October.  The club will offer spouses an opportunity to receive copies of Crow’s Call.
Kathy explained the problem we have with the club budget.  Currently  we are running an annual deficit of about $3,000; we must address the shortfall and the not knowing how much we will have for club operations.  She is suggesting that we set aside whatever we raise this year in the Wind Fair for next year’s operating budget.  That means we need to come up with additional money this year for our  club’s business.  One idea is to charge money for Members Night Out.  Kathy also proposed the idea of doing an Italian potluck in lieu of a catered dinner for this year’s Christmas Party.  She thought we could add a couple of fun fund-raisers.  Ideas suggested were that we organize a garage sale of and for members.  Another idea was not to try and divert 100% of this year’s budget for next year’s operation; do the transfer over several years.  Kathy promised to consider these ideas.
President’s Goals:
  1. Institute a systematic process for generating PR in local media.
  2. Come up with a new fund-raiser.
  3. Develop a new hands-on project for the club.
  4. Find vocational opportunities for club members to help networking.
  5. Provide more information about Rotary for members and spouses.
  6. Help members learn more about social media to share with others and boost our visibility in the community.
  7. Have club members find and help train replacements for their jobs within the club before they step down.
  8. Conduct frequent surveys, using Survey Monkey.  ( Fred Nevarez asked how we would “Slap the Monkey,” which was not useful.
All in all, it promises to be a busy and productive year.
Raffle Winners
Glen Weber won the Greeter’s Gift; Robin Stevens, to the cheers of her peers, drew a blue marble.  Jackpot up to $190 next week.
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