Our President, Lady Grizzly, a.k.a. Colette Lay, started the meeting by reminding us that through the end of this month, Mark Daniel Maloney is this year’s Rotary International President. The theme is “Rotary Connects the World”. It should be noted that President Lay had her slide show modified to a Hawaiian theme, in honor of all the Rotarians who should have been at the convention.
Marco Bronzini, was the greeter, however was experiencing internet issues and not able to join us. Pat Patterson jumped in and provided us with the quote of the day: "You can't do business today, using yesterday's processes and have a business tomorrow".
Patty Hoyt and April Rovero both joined us from the Dougherty Valley Club.
Principal Shelli Kravitz from Twin Creeks Elementary School was our special guest this week. She accepted an Educator of the Year award on behalf of one of her teachers, Chris Tyshing, who could not be with us to accept it herself.
Ray Giles presented Chris Gallagher with his Paul Harris pin TIMES SIX! Chris tried to grab his ruby pin but quickly learned his super camera that makes him look like a newscaster has SOME limitations.
Gobind Anand pledged to donate $500 toward Paul Harris before June 30th. Anyone else interested in joining her in that pledge is more than welcome!
Patty Hoyt is no stranger to our club, and is a dedicated Rotarian. She is also the Prevention Coordinator for Discovery Counseling Center. This week, she decided to have a casual conversation about her work at DCC, which did not involve a slideshow purposely so she could see our faces and reactions.
The first part of her discussion involved prevention of substance abuse, particularly relating to adolescents during COVID-19. Some interesting facts:
- Alcohol sales were up 55% in mid-March compared to a year ago
- 160% increase in cannabis sales in mid-March compared to a year ago
- Restaurant alcohol sales guidelines were loosened, allowing for curbside pickup. An investigation revealed many sales were made to minors
Due to SIP orders, this increased usage was happening in isolation at home. Kids were also home more, and it is/was a great time to talk about responsible use of these substances, as well as model good behavior. A few pieces of advice for parents:
- Keep your vices locked up, this includes prescription medication
- Watch what is coming in the mail – many vaping and cannabis products are being delivered to the house, with very few regulations verifying the age of the recipient
- Take note of “stash boxes” – items that look normal, but might be vehicles for hiding substances – i.e. coke cans, Arizona ice tea cans, sunscreen bottles.
1. Personal care basics: Be conscious of the Big 3: diet and nutrition, activity level, and sleep.
2. Schedule family connection time.
3. Recognize that we all need space and separation from one another.
4. Give everyone a wide berth and the benefit of doubt.
5. Lower expectations and focus on safety and attachment.
6. Reduce your expectations on your children’s academic performance.
7. Practice radical self acceptance.
8. Try to find humor and lightness in each day.
9. Find something you can control, and control the heck out of it!
10. “Chunk” your time. Focus on whatever bite-size piece of a challenge feels manageable.
11. Finally, remind yourself daily that this is temporary.
Patty closed her discussion by sharing a mindfulness based stress reduction meditation video. These videos are available to all on the DCC website Resource page, which can be found here: https://www.discoveryctr.net/resources
Rotarians celebrating birthdays this month include:
Pat Patterson – who shared he is celebrating birthday number 85
Melanie Emig
Gary Sloan
Steve Wilcox
Rotarians celebrating wedding anniversaries this month include:
Horace and Peggy Crawford – 58 years
Guy and Mary Greco- 53 years
Barry and Cindy Toby – 45 years
Garth and Michelle Riopelle – 35 years
Brent and Terry Tucker – 31 years.
Tom Port and Judy Thomas -19 years
Rotarians celebrating Rotary anniversaries:
Mark Honstra – 4 years
Naim Katiby – 6 years
Rotarian spouses celebrating birthdays:
Sally Garrison
Barbara Hornstra
Cynthia Jones
Valerie Dahl-Nevarez
President Lay reminded us that there are many opportunities to stay connected until we can meet in person again:
Weekly meetings via Zoom – visit other clubs!
Happy Hour via Zoom – Tuesdays @ 5:00 pm
Share “Good News” and photos with Ana
Spring Assembly Underway via Zoom
June is Fellowship Month – see options online
The meeting was adjourned at 12:45 p.m. Three more to go, President Lay!
Stay safe, fellow Rotarians.
Respectfully submitted,
Julie McKinney, Scribe