Welcome: The meeting was called to order by Colette with the
standard “Mark Daniel Maloney is Rotary International
          President and his theme is” ‘Rotary Connects the World’”.
Patriotic Song: We recited the 4-Way test.
Our Greeter, Kathy Opila, gave us the “Thought for The Day”. “Don’t
regret growing old; it is a privilege denied to many”.
Kathy has made 80 airplane trips over the past year so you might
say she has been flying high. Yet she has found time to arrange for marriage and to sew a quilt of T-shirts.
Guest: Dr. Aruna Somani joined us for lunch. She is a 15-year resident
of San Ramon and has three children. Aruna is looking at our
         club among others as a way to get more involved in the
Interact: Gary Sloan introduced Ro Jayaram, the Cal High Interact
Gift Cards; Please continue to donate gift cards in multiples of $5.00
amounts for distribution to the homeless and needy.
Holiday Party: Much thanks to Judy Fiedler, Chris Gallagher and
Karen.. It was a great success!
Interact Board: Next week we meet at Cal High’s Library at about
12:30 p.m. to interact with the students ever pizza, and hopefully
to provide some wisdom born of experience regarding future opportunities.
Recognitions: Judy Fiedler recognized Natalie Gayler, Dennis Harvey, and Barry Toby.
Cristene Burr, President and CEO of California Jr. Achievement, introduced us to the purpose and extensive scope of the Jr. Achievement organization. The purpose of Jr. Achievement is “to inspire and prepare young people to succeed in a global economy”. It is the nation’s largest organization “dedicated to giving young people the knowledge and skills they need to own their economic success, plan for their futures, and make smart academic and economic choices.” It reaches nearly 4.9 million grades K – 12 students per year in 212,101 classrooms and after-school locations. It is also worldwide. There are some 3 million Jr. Achievers in Europe and  some 8 million in Africa.
The California organization has 4 branches. Northern Cal., Sacramento, Southern Cal., and San Diego. Its budget is some $4,000,000, much of it from major corporations. But Jr. Achievement relies heavily on volunteers. Fund raising and the recruiting and retention of volunteers are top priorities for Cristene.
The Jr. Achievers emphasize work readiness, financial literacy and entrepreneurship through a variety of programs in fields such as “Technology and Innovation”, the Stock Market, SHE JA, which provides female corporate mentors, JA Job Shadows, , the “World of Work”, etc.
Raffle: Gary Sloan won the Greeters Gift and Patti Hennigan won a
chance at the Progressive, but drew a blue ball. The “pot” next
week is $220.00
By: Tom Port