Scribe Notes, June 13, 2019
By:  Hermann Welm
President John “Copy Cat” Milich opened this meeting by reminding us that the R.I. President is Barry Rassin, of the Bahamas, and his theme for the year is “Be the Inspiration!”  Our Greeters, George and Chris Gayler, led us in the Salute to the Flag.   They each had a Thought for the Day.  George, quoting Charles Lamb, and probably reflecting on his own current semi-retired situation, was, “I always arrive late, but make up for it by leaving early!”   And then Chris, quoting Charles Wadsworth: “By the time a man realizes that his father was right, he has a son who thinks he’s wrong!”
Mike Thelen lead the group in the singing of the Patriotic Song, “God Bless America!”
Visiting Rotarians:   None.
Other Visitors:  Tony Carrozza, our speaker.
PE Colette Lay announced that we have secured housing for the eleven Danish students who will be visiting in August, but that there is a need for one or two “reserve” homes in case something changes.  Contact her if you can host.
Further, she enjoyed the Hamburg, Germany Rotary International Convention.  There were about 25,000 Rotarians present representing 130 countries.  The theme was “Capture the Moment,” and she will be making a full presentation later.
PP Guy Greco commented on Jay Tontz’s condition.  He is at the Creek Hill convalescence home in Pleasanton.  Please send him cards by way of his wife, Anne.
PP Gary Sloan had both the incoming and outgoing Cal High Interact Club’s Board of Directors at his home for their annual Changing of the Guard get-together.  He and Barbara were mighty impressed with their energy and their ability to get things done.  He handed over a check for $282, money that they raised to support the victims of the Paradise fire.  Gary is certain that this club will be the recipient of some major award handed out by the Interact District 5160 Board!
Gary also mentioned that Lucky Sandhu needs a firm head count for the June 27 Demotion Dinner.  Please contact him straight away if you have not yet responded!
Lastly, Gary announced that the new president’s Inauguration Party will be held at Barbara’s (and his) house again, on July 20th.  Our PE has firmly stated that she will NOT be swimming in the pool; that her husband, Brad, will be her stand-in!
Patti Hennigan announced that there will be a Kick Ball game this coming Saturday, at 11:00 am, at Central Park.  Her husband, John, will be barbequing, so show up and enjoy the game, the food and the company!
Both Brent Tucker (Terri) and Barry Toby (Cindy) had anniversaries on the 10th and 14th of June, respectively.  The Tuckers took a Yosemite trip, while the Tobys enjoyed their new boat on Lake Almanor in preparation for this big day.
Good News/Fine Free:   None.
Tony Carrozza, President of Hyperformance Sales Coaching, was introduced.  His topic was “How to Build Your Business.”
He concentrated on the Sales side of small business, since this is the area of his expertise, having been a sales management professional most of his career.  He noted that a survey taken among 1,000 small business owners, selected from among those being or having been counselled by he and his colleagues across the United States, resulted in some shocking statistics.  Understanding that these are businesses who sought advice, likely because of self-recognized underperformance, and therefor had some reason to doubt themselves, it was still astounding that 70 percent rated themselves as “Poor” performers!
The Coaches’ found them weak in:
Sales Strategy (What is your target market?  Who are your competitors?)
Sales Methodology (Assignment of sales territories.  Sales process documentation.)
Sales Analysis (Alignment of your goals and strengths, with your competitors’ and your customers’.)
Sales Organization (Sales management often handled by the owner who has no training in that field.)
Next, Tony addressed how a small business needs to Create Customer Value.
Process: align your services to your customers’ needs.
People: become valued as a source of information and product/market insight for your customer.
Value Proposition:  your value to the customer exists where what you do best intersects with what the customer needs AND where your competitors’ best skills DO NOT overlap!
Lastly, he identified three traits of High Performing Sales Teams, which follow from the points raised above:
1.      Have a “customer-centric” culture!
2.      Create a process that aligns with your customers’ needs.
3.      Provide insight, information and perspective for your customers.
Following these guidelines will grow your business!
Raffle:   The Greeter’s Gift of $20.00 was won by Cathie Opila;  the chance of drawing the gold marble was won by Norbert Walz, whose  luck failed him so he had to settle for the $10.00 in cash!
Next Week’s Program:   Aditya Melcote will be speaking on “Syndicate of Change.” The Greeter will be Mike Gunning.